Monday, 23 March 2015

Vocoders (2)

 I decided to revisit the earlier vocoder videos, and experiment with changing the lyrics of the songs, using technical terms associated with computer technology, to make them even more unfamiliar and corrupted from their original sentiment

Installation (2)

For my second experiment in installation, I did a live digital sound performance, in which I skyped called some of my classmates. Again the connectivity issues, Feedback, technical problems made it difficult to comprehend the monologe, which is what I wanted, because it enacts the issues that my work deals with - By highlighting the inadequacies of digital communication as a compensation for bodily proximity.

I'm interest in having a live digital element and having the viewer to have to receive the work via the internet in the gallery space. 

I am aware the way the skype/Sound piece was carried out here was clunky, so I'm trying to find a way I could hyperlink and preform something like this in a gallery space, so that users can interact.

Installation (1)

I'm really concerned with finding a way to install my work (particularly my video pieces) that is faithful to the digital nature of the work. I defiantly feel I'm challenged with trying to install digital work in a physical space.

I began by looking at object hyper-linking in the real world as a possible way to display the work, I used QR codes to hyperlink my video pieces to the gallery space.


I was happy with how people engaged with the installation. Because people had to view it on their phones, and because of WIFI connectivity issues, it really enacted its subject matter in the space.
it also worked dualy as a sound piece.
I now know these are features I'd like to be present in the final way a decide to install the work.
However,I'm not really happy with using QR codes, as it was brought to my attention that they are already considered to be a slightly archaic technology.

Data Bending and Glitch/Techno-visual Poetry

Data bending is prominent process in my current practice. Data-bending is the purposeful creation of glitches or malfunctions in a media file, by manipulating it or reinterpreting it from one file format to another.
this process works for me as a tool to express the inadequacy of this media as a surrogate for bodily presence or as a proxy for meaningful communication.
I've experimented with data bending images, videos and sounds, but I am most interested in using this process to create Glitch/Techno-visual poetry.

I then experimented with creating poetry , using exclusively sentences found on comment sections of websites.
So far I've experimented with the simple format of the haiku.
These poems try to exemplify the unique behavior and language that occurs when people become detached or disembodied from their person in digital space.

Digital Semiotics and Experiments with the Transformation of language Post Internet

Here I'm exploring how language has changed (more specifically in terms of linguistics), using emoticons (icons used in digital messaging to convey the users emotion - often substituted for users native language) to translate famous examples of love poetry by the likes of Byron and Shakespeare.

She Walks In Beauty - Lord Byron

How Do I Love Thee - Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Online Disinhibition Effect (2)

Online Disinhibition Effect

These text pieces examine the unique behaviour and language that occur when people become detached and disembodied from their person in digital space.

This known as the 'online disinhibition effect', which is the loosing or complete abandonment of social restrictions or inhibitions that would normally be present in face-to-face interactions, This results in dissociative anonymity and anti-social behaviour online.

I examined this behaviour in the comment sections of websites, like YouTube, and personal ads, and experimented with using this language to subvert hallmarks of courting and romance to contrast and abstract the surreality of this behaviour, and also to conjure a sense of nostalgia for the more earnest way people expressed themselves (pre-internet) that seems to be absent now.


This cut of video pieces I've been making deals with aspects of the physical human body that are becoming obsolete in modern technological communication.  I've used synthetic voices to translate emotive popular songs and scenes from films so they become devoid of emotion and familiarity without the intonation of the human voice.


Technology more and more mediates our emotions between one another. Bodily communication is becoming digitalised and separated from it corporeal context. In modern technology, our sense of self, our interactions between one another are beginning to succumb to digital dematerialization.

My work considers the vulnerability of human emotions in the face of the edifice of modern technology, and the inadequacy of digital communication as a compensation for bodily proximity and tactility.

In my work, through the use of video, sound, installation and text pieces, I'm exploring the aspects of the human body that are becoming obsolete in modern technological communication. As well as looking at the ways in which the internet has changed the way we communicate in both our language and our social habits and behaviours.